Les horaires indiqués correspondent à l’Heure avancée de l'Est (HAE, UTC-4, p. ex. heure locale à New York) et à l’Heure avancée d’Europe centrale (HAEC, UTC+2, p. ex. heure locale à Paris)

Mercredi 15 juillet

9:45-10:00 (HAE) 15:45-16:00 (HAEC) Welcome

Présidence : Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee U)

10:00-10:40 (HAE) 16:00-16:40 (HAEC) Invited talk: Susanne Winkler (U Tübingen)
Reduced Subordinate Clauses in German (Diaporama)

10:40-11:10 (HAE) 16:40-17:10 (HAEC) Lisa Schäfer (Saarland U), Robin Lemke (Saarland U), Ingo Reich (Saarland U) & Heiner Drenhaus (Saarland U)
UID constrains the usage of topic drop in German: experimental and corpus linguistic findings (Diaporama)

11:10-11:40 (HAE) 17:10-17:40 (HAEC) David Potter (Morehead State U) & Katy Carlson (Morehead State U)
Long-distance reflexive binding in English Stripping (Diaporama)

11:40-12:10 (HAE) 17:40-18:10 (HAEC) Katy Carlson (Morehead State U)
Parallelism and ellipsis in comparatives (Diaporama)

12:10-13:00 (HAE) 18:10-19:00 (HAEC) Break

Présidence : Israel de la Fuente (U Lille)

13:00-13:30 (HAE) 19:00-19:30 (HAEC) Max Bonke (U Cologne) & Sophie Repp (U Cologne)
Complementizer Deletion in Embedded Gapping in Spanish (Diaporama)

13:30-14:00 (HAE) 19:30-20:00 (HAEC) Anne Abeillé (U Paris), Anastasiia Smirnova (U Paris) & Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee U)
French wh-words + ça: a corpus study (Diaporama)

14:00-14:30 (HAE) 20:00-20:30 (HAEC) Joanna Nykiel (Kyung Hee U) & Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee U)
Case-matching effects and fragments (Diaporama)

14:30-15:00 (HAE) 20:30-21:00 (HAEC) Discussion

Jeudi 16 juillet

9:45-10:00 (HAE) 15:45-16:00 (HAEC) Welcome

Présidence : Joanna Nykiel (Kyung Hee U)

10:00-10:40 (HAE) 16:00-16:40 (HAEC) Invited talk: Philip Miller (U Paris)
Discourse conditions on Verb Phrase Ellipsis (Diaporama)

10:40-11:10 (HAE) 16:40-17:10 (HAEC) Anne Dagnac (U Toulouse Jean Jaurès) & Juliette Thuilier (U Toulouse Jean Jaurès)
On the interplay of factors licensing French Modal Ellipsis in extraction contexts (Diaporama)

11:10-11:40 (HAE) 17:10-17:40 (HAEC) Barbara Hemforth (U Paris), Antoine Hédier (U Paris), Theodor Cucu (MIT), Lisa Hemforth (U Paris), Hugo Techer (Grenoble INP, PHELMA), Yair Handler (U Paris), Joanna Dos Reis (U Paris 13) & Doriane Gras (U Paris)
Verbal mismatch in French Right-Node Raising: Speeded grammaticality judgments and EEGs (Diaporama)

11:40-12:10 (HAE) 17:40-18:10 (HAEC) Alvaro Cortes Rodriguez (U Tübingen)
Multiple Sluicing in English: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches (Diaporama)

12:10-13:00 (HAE) 18:10-19:00 (HAEC) Break

Présidence : Philip Miller (U Paris)

13:00-13:30 (HAE) 19:00-19:30 (HAEC) Robin Lemke (Saarland U), Lisa Schäfer (Saarland U) & Ingo Reich (Saarland U)
Predicting (mis)matches in sluicing: Evidence from cloze, rating and reading time data (Diaporama)

13:30-14:00 (HAE) 19:30-20:00 (HAEC) Daniel Hardt (Copenhagen Business School), Pranav Anand (UC Santa Cruz) & James McCloskey (UC Santa Cruz)
Sluicing: Antecedence and the Landscape of Mismatch

14:00-14:30 (HAE) 20:00-20:30 (HAEC) Till Poppels (UC San Diego) & Andrew Kehler (UC San Diego)
Anything can be elided if you know how: sluicing, voice mismatch, and tough movement (Diaporama)

14:30-15:00 (HAE) 20:30-21:00 (HAEC) Eszter Ronai (U Chicago) & Laura Stigliano (U Chicago)
Interpretation cannot determine the source of multiple sluicing in Hungarian (Diaporama)

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